Q.P. CODE: 103010 Reg. No: …
First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations
June 2016
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (2×10=20)
1. Define sterilization. Enumerate different methods of sterilization. Describe in detail the working of autoclave.
Mention the sterilization control for autoclave. (2+2+4+2 =10)
2. Name the bacteria causing enteric fever. Describe the route of transmission, clinical features, laboratory
diagnosis and prophylaxis of enteric fever. (1+2+2+3+2=10)
Short notes: (7x5=35)
3. Acquired immunity
4. Biomedical waste management
5. Barrier nursing
6. Plague
7. Dermatophytes
8. Prophylaxis of tetanus
9. Bacillary dysentery
Answer briefly: (10x2=20)
10. Enriched medium
11. Herd immunity
12. Name four bacteria causing food poisoning
13. DPT vaccine
14. Name four common species causing malaria
15. Gram’s staining
16. NIH swab
17. Name four opportunistic fungal infections in man
18. Structure of HIV
19. Definitive host
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